PING! Michael
(too old to reply)
clams casino
2024-11-23 19:40:52 UTC
Oklahoma is setting up bible classes now, some schools will have the
ten commandments posted in every classroom.
Texas just approved bible classes too.
They want to be sure kids learn to worship the right God, not some
non-Christian one.
News flash - Eddie  'Slackwit' P, discovers Amerika is NOT a muslime
Weeps tears of Mohammedan rage...
Clams casino has orgasm showing off snide remarks and cross posts his
garbage.  New name to the kill file.
Treasonous Eddie "Slackwit"P. is humiliated regularly here when he
espouses job knowledge of his home state, then goes down in the flames
of actual data points and credible economic research.

Now he spites, the gutless little prick.
clams casino
2024-11-24 17:19:33 UTC
There were no bible classes in school.  None, nada, zip,
zilch, zero.  Prove the bible classes at church are
Exactly right, Joan.  There were no bible classes in school.  Only if
someone was attending a private religious school was the bible ever
mentioned.  No prayers, none of that hogwash.
Haven't you been following the news about Texas and Oklahoma?
If parents object to any bible teaching in public schools
or the display of the Ten Commandments they are free to
withdraw their children and home school them. Tens of
thousands of children are home schooled in the USA and a
lot of it has to do with the parents not feeling their
children are getting the education they deserve.  My
brother and sister-in-law home school their two boys.
If they want religious training they should send them to the proper
schools so they get it done right.
If we, as a nation, stand for religious freedom, we should not be forced
to a particular one.  If they teach the bible, why not the Koran and
Hebrew bible and the Book of Mormon?
Because (ya dumb fuck) this nation was founded on basic CHRISTIAN
principles, not Muslim, not Jewish, and certainly not on the Mormon
testimony which (and damn you are a dumb fucker) was not published until

Yes, ya mental midget, that's 54 years AFTER our Constitution was ratified!

You senile old leftarded git - bugger off.
clams casino
2024-11-27 17:45:40 UTC
Agree that some should be deported but we do need the mostly legal ones
for labor in many areas.
#1 - you are either here legally (with a visa) or not.

#2 - _you support corporate slavery_

#3 - our picking and farm labor can be mechanized within a few years


clams casino
2024-11-29 18:35:52 UTC
As for the "landslide", he got less than 50% of the popular vote.
Bullshit LIE!

The criminal election fraud Demotards are still "curing ballots" and
presenting illegals' work.



You are subhuman treasonous filth!
