Post by michael hortonEvents like Hurricane Helene are now occurring in a climate that has
Hurricane Hugo.. did pretty much exactly the same thing and with similar
Then we had another one much like those 2 around the 30's
The only difference between those were the size of the population and
all the stuff to support that increased population.
And of course, if we go back to the Roman period before the Mini Ice Age
of the Early middle ages... we are 0.3 degrees cooler.
Have you noticed that none of the climatist nuts ever mention the solar
flares from the sun and how they impact things here on Terra?
This may be because dam librils did a science and math course
somewhere and know sommin.
Seems even the "big" possible effects of solar storms
are generally handled by the relevant authorities pretty well.
Power fails are supposed to be a big possible consequence.
But the stats show they barely appear above the noise
of people taking out power by tripping over wires
and shorting arc welders in the bath:
Years like: #stormalarts #uspoweroutages
2001 0 23 222.257*
2002 66 34 207.746*
2003 252 78 166.853
2007 195.5 94 179.275
2017 215.333 141.333 174.914
2022 160.667 144.667 186.933
2008 184 171 181.803
2009 15 106 218.959
2013 114.5 178 197.083
2011 103 356 199.612*
2019 128.5 292 194.005
2014 50 245 211.264
2015 149 191 189.498
2020 77 440 205.328*
2021 90 444 202.47*
(Binned by #stormalerts).
Stats tests:
T-test: P(beta<0) = 66%
Rank test: Calc Spearman = -.08
Crit val = .44 sd @ 5%; accept H0:not_connected
R2 = .014
I.e. 2 stats tests find there is no real connection
between years with lots of solar storms and years
with lots of power fails or contraiwise.
If anywthing, there are fewer power fails
across the US when there are lots of solar storms
because power companies take steps to handle
the situation.
The link between # diesel MV and hear attacks is,
OTOH, a real thing.
Fossil companies try to spin their billions in tax breaks as anything
but profits boosted by taxpayers. It's just "state revenue forgone"
and is not a payment or money, let alone some kind of theft or
confidence trick. If one of their employees was paid to put on a
black mask and go house-to-house in their neighbourhood asking
families to "donate" $7000 -- approx what US households contribute
a year to fossil subsidies -- to some oil conglomerate they would
be likely be strung up from the nearest overpass in 10 minutes.
In 2022, fossil fuel subsidies in the United States totaled $757 billion,
according to the International Monetary Fund.
--, 30 Jan 2024
[Around $6900 per US household per year].